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Pakistan: Humanitarian funding analysis: Flooding in Pakistan, 5 Aug 2015

Source: Global Humanitarian Assistance programme (Development Initiatives), Start Network
Country: Pakistan

1. Key points

  • According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)’s Financial Tracking Service (FTS), donors have committed/contributed US$233 million of humanitarian assistance to Pakistan so far in 2015. This includes US$59 million of domestic funding from the Government of Pakistan.

  • Of the total funding reported in 2015 so far, US$30.8 million has been channelled to GilgitBaltistan,
    Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan provinces. There is no funding reported yet for the current flooding crisis. However, an estimated US$16 million has been channelled to flood-related projects in Pakistan in 2015.

  • The UN-coordinated Pakistan Humanitarian Strategic Plan 2015 requested US$434 million from donors to respond to humanitarian needs in the country from January to March. It was 37% funded at US$160 million. There currently is no other UN-coordinated appeal for Pakistan.

  • The United States (US) donated the largest sum received by Pakistan in 2015, contributing 28% (US$64.1 million) of total current funding.

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